Continuous Process Plow Mixer


B&P Littleford Continuous Plow Mixers utilize the same processing technology as the Batch Plow Mixer, but provides this in a continuous flow. Continuous Process Plow Mixers are primarily used where high volume production is a pre-requisite in the processing of dry products, dry products with liquid additions, and product granulations. The B&P Littleford Continuous Plow Mixer is loaded through a port mounted on the topside of the charging end of the mixer. Typical working level of the product is nominally 50% of total capacity.

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The Process

The plows put the product into 3-D mixing motion, resulting in a superior mix achieved during a short retention period. Discharge of the product is through an adjustable weir control valve at the opposite end of the charge end. Product discharge through a port on the bottom is available as well for products that are sticky or cohesive. Request a Quote for more information or to trial your material through a mixing process at our Saginaw, MI Tech Center.